Bloom Where You're Planted
Bloom Where You’re Planted
A couple years ago it suddenly dawned on me that while I was moderately happy with my life, home and career, there was a strong undercurrent of dissatisfaction. I found myself researching other places to live, new homes, sunnier locales and bunch of other things that I thought might make my life seem more satisfying. The undercurrent was strong and really had been pulling me under and away from really living in the present.
I tried all kinds of attitude adjustments. I joined some social clubs, I tried to re-connect with old friends, I painted some walls, and took some clutter to Goodwill. Still, my dissatisfaction grew and I started to have some pretty well-rooted disdain for what were actually pretty good things in my life. I had a beautiful home. I really loved my vocation and found it fulfilling. But where was the joy? Where had the gratitude gone?
As I meditated in silence one morning a well-known phrase came to me clear as a bell.
“Bloom where you’re planted.” It seemed too simplistic at first. Too cliche. As I continued in mindfulness, I began to imagine all that would have to be in place for something to bloom and thrive where planted. Here’s what came to me.
You need good, nutrient-rich soil that has not been depleted.
Is the soil of your life full of good things? Are you practicing gratitude? Are you showing up in whole-hearted ways? Are you giving it the best you can with what you have? What or whom may be depleting the soil of your life? What would make the soil richer?
You need good seeds.
The “right” kind of seed is necessary if you want something specific to grow. If you don’t really care what you’re growing, then any old seed will do. But, if you want tomatoes or roses, then you have to plant tomato or rose seeds. Do you have an idea, a dream or even the tiniest hope that you’re holding? Maybe it’s time to plant it! It’s OK to dream big but also remember if you want tomatoes you have to plant tomato seeds. If you want to manifest anything new you have to begin to live “as if” you already have it. Put on the energy of what it is like for you to have it, to embody it, to thrive in it.
You need some heat.
Sunlight and warmth are essential for seeds to germinate. You may take some heat from others for planting your seeds. You may feel the heat of sacrifice or perhaps the warmth of your own impatience as you wait through the germination period where it looks like nothing is happening.
You need stuff to help it grow.
Water, air, fertilizer, and other things help the plant to develop and thrive. Do your seeds have what they need to germinate and thrive? I think of GRATITUDE as Miracle Grow. Are you walking with a grateful heart even when it seems like there is nothing happening above ground? Are you watering your life with things that bring you pleasure and joy? How is the air? Are you surrounded by toxic people and situations that are choking out your dreams?
Learn to be a Master Gardener.
A Master Gardener plans what plants are right for the soil, the climate and the desired design of the garden. Tend to your life with a plan. Learn what is important to you. If you really don’t know, it’s ok. This is a journey and even in the best garden plans some things thrive and others don’t. Pruning and transplanting is a necessary process in creating the beauty you want to see. Learn to be OK with that.
In the year that followed my “bloom where you’re planted” revelation, I saw big changes in my work and personal life. I used the words as a mantra several times a day. I asked myself the questions I propose to you above and I continued to till the soil and care for my dreams in more specific ways.
My desire to find the next best thing began to fade. I found more joy in watching what marvelous little gifts would appear out the dry ground. The Miracle Grow of GRATITUDE began to transmute my garden of dissatisfaction into fields of new harvest. I met new people, I made more daring choices. I had the courage to let go of what no longer worked for me and found a beautiful new path toward contentment in my personal and professional life.
I began to bloom where I was planted!